
Teaching Method Using a Television Program in Music Class

Byoung Hoon Whang
page. 39~59 / 1986 Vol.5 No.0
e-ISSN 2713-3788
p-ISSN 1229-4179


One of the most important things in music education is how to carryout the class originalitily and experientially. It means that teacher lets pupil experience various types and kinds of music. And also it means that opportunities to analyze to criticize, to compose are given to pupils in music class. In viewing music class in this pattern, teacher need to use a high quality teaching and learning materials. In recently, educational broadcasting television program, which provides various visual and audio experience, is needed intensively and used in class actively. Considering these trends, concept learning program should be constructed applying program constructing factors and principles of concept learning. On the ground of this framework, concept learning program, especially rhythm centered program, have been developed. And also teaching plan and method have been presented. Provided teaching plan was schemed centering the teacher role in music class. Teacher role was divided three parts: teaching activity before watching television, teaching activity through watching television, teaching activity after watching television. Each part should need teacher`s originate and experiential activity. It was desirous that each activity should be understood fully, and that teacher should coordinate suitably learning environment and teacher`s intention according to the presented teaching plan.


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