Instructions for Authors

Manual of Structure



Manuscripts are typically 20-25 pages in length following the American Psychological Association Style. Music examples, figures, tables, photographs, and other illustrations must be checked for accuracy before submission.



The first page of the manuscript consists of ①English title, ②English author name, ③English abstract, ④Key words in English, ⑤Introduction etc. The following steps should be followed. For details on the preparation of the manuscript, download the template* and follow the detailed guidelines for the manuscript.



A concise statement of the main topic, which informs readers about the study. The full title should be specific, descriptive, concise, and comprehensible to readers outside the subject field.


Author’s Name and Institutional Affiliation

All author names should be listed in the following order: First name–Middle name initials–Last name. No more than two affiliations per author. The order of the names of the authors show the order of their contributions: First A. Author · Second B. Author · Third C. Author. One author should be designated as the corresponding author, and his or her email address should be included on the manuscript cover page.


Abstract and Key words

The length of abstract should not exceed 8 lines and it ranges from 100 to 150 words. The abstract is one paragraph (not an introduction) and complete in itself (no reference numbers, figures, tables are cited). It should indicate subjects dealt with in the paper and state the objectives of the investigation. Newly observed facts and conclusions of the experiments or arguments discussed in the paper must be stated in summary form; readers should not have to read the paper to understand the abstract. Finally provide maximum five keywords (not to exceed one line) below the abstract. Format the keywords strictly following the examples provided herein.



Introduction should include an exploration of the importance of the problem, description of relevant, but brief, literature, and the statement of hypothesis or research questions.



The Methods section should include sufficient technical information to allow the research to be repeated.



The results of research should be presented in figures and tables, although some results that do not require documentation can be given solely in the text. Extensive discussion should not be given in the results section


Discussion (& Conclusion)

The Discussion section should provide an interpretation of the results in relation to previously published works and should not contain extensive repetition of the Results section or reiteration of the Introduction. In short papers, the Results and Discussion sections may be combined.



The References section should include all journal articles, books, patents, and theses cited in the text, tables or figures. All references mentioned in the Reference list are cited in the text, and vice versa. Arrange the citations in alphabetical order based on the first authors’ name. Single- and double-authored papers are cited by both authors’ last names, whereas papers with more than three authors are cited by the first author’ last name followed by et al. in italic. Examples are as follows. Go to Citation Examples


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