
A Research on Actual State of the Appreciation Education for Music in the Elementary School-This study is delimited on Seoul-

Sun Ja Kang
page. 105~116 / 1987 Vol.6 No.0
e-ISSN 2713-3788
p-ISSN 1229-4179


Man is gifted with a favorable talent for music by nature. The Music appreciation makes him aware of the potential instinct for music in this human talent. Besides it is nature that the music appreciation obtain an important position on the school music education. However the actual condition of music education in the elementry school is based to singing song, playing the musical instruments, and learning theories of music, accordingly they are negligent of learning the music appreciation to no small degree. There fore We aim how the conditions as follows have an influence on appreciation education; the musical environment, the facilities and materials for music appreciation, the musical activities and experiences of teachers and children, the course of teaching-learning in music appreciation, the contents of teaching materials and the selection of them, the opportunities of music appreciation. The main points are as follows. The questionnair says that the facilities for learning the music appreciation and the feaching materials are insufficient for the most part, consequently it is difficult to practice learning the music appreciation satisfactorily. Teachers are mostly lack of the quality and experience for music. They have troble to instruct children due to the negligence of development of appreciative ability. What is worse, they shrink back the instruction of music appreciation. Besides there is much to be desired to teacher`s research and instruction on an appreciative priece in advance, students take a slight interest in it. Owing to the negligence of teacher`s and children`s opportunities of it, the condition takes a tum for the worse. In order that the above-mentioned problems may be improved and solved, and the appreciation education may be realized still more difficiently and normally, the following arrangements must be necessary. The education and school authorities ought to make a positive support and cooperation and practice the system of the exclusive responsibility on the course of music study, teachers ought to exert themselves to self-study for developing the musicality of teachers and students as soon as possible.


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