
Study on Music Teaching Materials for Primary School

Gil Ja Choi
page. 113~146 / 1989 Vol.8 No.0
e-ISSN 2713-3788
p-ISSN 1229-4179


I. Purpose of the Study Appreciation power is not born, gifted, therefore, is not fixed. It rather grows ceaselessly as time goes by, which stronhly indicates that the appreciation process is an inseparable part in contemporary musical education. It is important, therefore, to cultivate listening power through appreciation and expand the power by providing the students with adequate training. The purpose of this dissertation is to examine and define the scope of music appreciation in the field of musical education and develop ideal appreciation improving measures and, at the end, contribute the society for the better human education. II. Methods and Procedures of the Study This study is based on comparison and anaysis made on materials and processes being used throughout the whole course of elementary school levels. 1. Music textbooks being used in the six grade level. 2. The four parts of musical education applied in each grade. 3. Music appreciation pieces of classical and other music being used in music classes. III. Results of the Study 1. In the four parts of musical education, vocal, intrument, composing, and appreciation, it was found that vocal music mainly stressed in the class. 2. Apart form the tendancy of contemporary musical education that stresses classical music, the percentage hours of classical music is very low. Appreciation pieces being used are mostly from foreign countries. 3. The contents of music textbooks are too centered and monotonous to comprehend the student adequately. These problems can be solveve by : 1) Starting fro low graders, systemize the appreciation process by increasing the hours for classical music as the students advance to higher graders to the point that they reach a certain level when they finish school. 2) Combining the appreciation pieces and other activities together systemize appreciation guiding materials into a single unit of education so that the music can play its role providing sentimentalism and ideal school life to the students. 3) Prividing musical education most edequately, music can bring out ideal inner school life and link it to social life closer. This is what the modern education tries to pursue.


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