
A Study of Influence of Chorus and Ensemlbe Activities on Personality and Scholastic Performance of Students

Duk-Hee Ryoo
page. 1~21 / 1990 Vol.9 No.0
e-ISSN 2713-3788
p-ISSN 1229-4179


In order to look into the in fluence collective performance activity of students, including chorus and Ensemble, has on the students, a standardized personality test was comducted an some 1,500 primary(mainly fifth and sixth graders), middle and high school students by dividing them into experimental and comparative groups. The result there of was subject to testing using M. SD. and CR, and the resulting finding indicate that there was significant difference in all aspects, including stability, dominance, sociality(cooperativeness), thoughtfulness, collaboration, impulsiveness and predominance. In other words, the students were emotionally stable, able to display leadership, showed sociability and adaptability in human relations, and were confident to handle their assignment in responsible and intellectual manner. A test of scholastic performance among the two groups showed that there was no significant difference in all subjects except for musics. This indicates that the collective performance activity does not have an adverse impact on the scholastive performance of the students involved. In addition, opinion survey of some 300 guidance teachers revealed that the students involved in collective activity such as chorus and Ensemble were genelalry rated high in cooperativeness and sociality than those who stayed away.


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