
Study on the Kodaly Music Teaching and It’s Adaptations in Korean Music Curriculum

Younkyung Lee
page. 57~96 / 1990 Vol.9 No.0
e-ISSN 2713-3788
p-ISSN 1229-4179


This study is concerned with the Koda´ly music method in Hungary and its adaptations for use in Korean music curriculum. Related literature and journal articles were reviewed to provide teaching techniques and procedures, instructional organization, and teaching materials of the method. Koda´ly developed a method of teaching to build a national musical culture of Hungary, emphasizing the importance of the early musical training of children. Folk music is the foundation of the Koda´ly method, especially using the pentatonic scale as the basic materials of early musical training. The Koda´ly approach sought an aesthetic experience through the development of a musical skill of reading notation, part-singing, tonal memory, and improvisation. These basic techniques were the solfegge singing of the movable do system and Curwen` hand signals that aid in the development of tonal relationships. Another important aspect of the Koda´ly method is the use of the rhythm duration syllable to facilitate rhythmic sense. Koda´ly stressed that music curriculum should be organized into sequentially structured activities which based on the Child-Developmental Logic rather than Subject-Logic approach, considering young children`s natural ability. Koda´ly curriculum progresses by units from simple to complex and includes singing, reading and writing, rhythmic movement, ear-training. listening, inner-hearing, and improvisation. This study deals with appropriate teaching suggestion for possible use of the Koda´ly method in Korean educational system. Koda´ly`s teaching material based on the Hungarian folk music at first caused problems for adaptation in Korea. Although some culutural, curricular, and musical differences between two countries might present difficulty in adapting the approach, some effective teaching techniques such as hand-signals, rhythm duration syllable, rote-singing, and/or visual teaching aids could be applied with some modifications to improve the teaching skills of Korean music teacher. For a successful implication, further investigations are strongly recommended to search out our folk song material suitable for use in the Koda´ly system. A constant look out for teaching material is important to fulfill Korean student`s special need, interest, and emotion.


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