
An Analysis of Music Text Book for Korea Elementary School

Joung Soon Kim
page. 97~135 / 1990 Vol.9 No.0
e-ISSN 2713-3788
p-ISSN 1229-4179


This study attempted to find the international trends of the music education and the basic principle of the music textbook of the elementary school, to review the guideline of the review for the music textbook and to analyze the contents of the textbook of the music in the Elementary school. The data was analyzed based upon the spiral and conceptual approach to the music theaching and concept of comprehensive music education by frameing lesson units according to the concepts of musical elements and activities. The result may be elements and activities. 1. Most of the contents of the music textbook was well structured according to the current curriculum of the music. 2. The conceptual elements of the textbook is not well structured. 3. Singing and playing instruments are too much emphasized in the textbook. 4. The appreciation and the activites in the textbook are not evenly structued in the elementary school. 5. Resulting from the integrate curriculum of the first and second grade, the basic contents of the music curriculum are too much offered in the third year grade. 6. Teaching materials of the textbook of the music need to be developed widely and deeply for the teaching of music of all types, forms, styles, periods and cultures.


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