
A Study of Teaching Techniques to Develop Improvisational Skills of the Piano Student

Younkyung Lee
page. 31~78 / 1991 Vol.10 No.0
e-ISSN 2713-3788
p-ISSN 1229-4179


As in any other music instruction, piano study should promote comprehensive musicianship and creativity. Until recently, however, almost all piano teaching was directed toward the development of technical virtuosity. Teachers frequently neglected other important aspects of piano study such as sight-reading, harmonizing, transposing, accompanying, playing by ear, and improvising which are essential for the complete musician. many piano teachers are inexperienced and not well equipped for teaching improvisation. The purpose of this study is to provide a variety of guided activities for the development of improvisational skills at the keyboard. The teaching suggestions for these improvisational activities are classified into the following three categories: 1) teaching approach based on the specific improvisational techniques 2) teaching approach utilizing theoretical concepts 3) teaching approach utilizing twentieth century compositional devices. The major improvisational exercises included in the study are as follows: 1) Question and answer 2) Rhythmic variation 3) Melodic variation and motivic development 4) Baroque-style melodic embellishment 5) Creative reading by altering the notes of the given piece 6) Transposing 7) Harmonizing melody with various accompaniment styles 8) Improvising melody over a given harmonic schem 9) Playing by ear 10) Constructing short piece in a variety of musical styles 11) Changing the mood of the piece by altering the style of accompaniment, meter, mode, and/or rhythmic and melodic patterns. Creative experience in piano playing offers several musical and pedagogical benefits. It develops the facility necessary for improvisation and gives an opportunity to express one`s creative thoughts. And also it provides the growth motivation so essential to incentive for further learning and help the students gain insight into the composer`s creative process. Improvisational facility at the keyboard promotes the conceptual understanding and knowledge since successful improvisation calls for mastery of theoretical knowledge. It enhances an aural awareness, sight-reading, better memory as well as a sense of security in performance. Improvisation can be taught more effectively in group piano setting since it encourages ensemble playing which fosters alertness, strong rhythmic sense, concentrated listening, and accurate playing. With the insights gained from various ideas given in this study, piano teachers are encouraged to explore their own creative teaching.


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