
A Study of Lesson Plan for the elementary school music by means of the Conceptual Approach

Yun-Jae Kim
page. 147~177 / 1992 Vol.11 No.0
e-ISSN 2713-3788
p-ISSN 1229-4179


The purpose of this study was to present the applicable music lesson plan based on the conceptual approach. The study formulated the spiral curriculum of the third, fourth, and sixth grade general music founded on the Fifth Revision of Elementary School Curriculum arranged by the Ministry of Education and A Study for the Fifth Revision of Music Curricula of Elementary & Middie Schools in Korea put forward by the Educational Development Institute. After reviewing the related lierature of the conceptual approach, the researcher devised lesson plans of the music concept. The music concept has five categries(timbre, dynamics, rhythem, form, and melofy) and each conept has four sub-concepts for each grade, thus 16 cycles were formulated for the elementary school music(third, fourth, fifth, and sixth grades). This study presented 6 misic lesson plans as the sampe lessons. The conventional music lesson is passive, teacher-focused and singing emphasis : on the other hand, the music lesson based on the conceptual approach is active, student-focused, and musical experience emphasis such as composing, performing, judging, listening and evaluating. Therefore, in the conceptual music lesson, the students could have various musical experiences and sequential music learning for the one music concept. The listening examples comprehend the music of the ancient through the centemporary. And the Korean traditional music was also included.


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