
Music appreciation in secondary schools

Mi-Sook Kim
page. 155~176 / 1996 Vol.15 No.0
e-ISSN 2713-3788
p-ISSN 1229-4179


This study is to introduce various music appreciation activities with actual listening for maximizing learning effect and stimulating students` motivation and interests. the variety of music class is achieved not by music repertoire, but by music activities. Thus, well-known music is used for music appreciation activity continuously. One of the most essential tools for music teachers is a variety of lesson plans in detail as much as possible. In this study, the music appreciation teaching models in various approaches and in school levels are suggested so that make able to study with joy and interest. The various music activities are presented to impure the musical thinking, to stimulate the student`s motivation, and to have musical experiences through the music appreciation. The subjects of music appreciation activities are as follows: A. Musical Thinking - 1. Historical reviews of western music ; 2. Sing a theme ; 3. Improvisation ; 4. Form and style ; 5. Listening parts and play ; 6. Three levels in appreciation. B. Stimulating motivation - 1. The usage of mass media ; 2. Cartoon ; 3. Original sound track ; 4. Folk song ; 5. Musician in this month ; 6. Performance appreciation. C. Musical Experiences - 1. Appreciation of opera ; 2. Conversation with Korean composer ; 3. How much do you know? ; 4. Approach to contemporary music ; 5. Materials of Korean instruments. How to listen to the music easily and interestingly depends on the music teacher. With the financial aids from school, the music teacher needs devoted efforts on the development of creative, efficient materials on the basis of understanding in students.


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