
Composition Portfolio Assessment in Classroom

Moon Joo Seog
page. 95~117 / 1998 Vol.17 No.0
e-ISSN 2713-3788
p-ISSN 1229-4179


Portfolio assessment, a most popular system of performance assessment, has recently become most of attention in music education, Some educators have agreed that portfolio assessment in classroom is suitable evaluative tool, particularly music subject where process is important. The purpose of this study is to develop and to apply a composition portfolio in general music class as an evaluation tool for the fifth grade students in a elementary school. The subjects were the fifth grade students in a elementary school in Seoul, Korea. In this study, the subjects had have little experience for composing or improvising music in class. Also half of them could not play a piece with melodic inst겨ment, and read and write music. The subjects received instruction from a classroom teacher for 45 minutes twice per week from March to December, 1997. All the class was videotaped for assessing and maintaining a record of both individual and class progress. For the research, the teaching strategy for composition to the student`s portfolio was a performance-based, student-centered, and integrated curriculm. `I9ie fifth grade music teacher and the researcher planned the instruction for the performance-based music classroom and the specific tasks to develop the students creativity and the contents for a portfolio. As analyzing each class and lesson plan, the researcher supervised the teacher for better instruction. The composition class was diveided to two types of instruction : individual composition and small-group composition(4-5 students in group). Portfolio assessment had two essential parts-the performance tasks and the perforniance criteria. In the research, the researcher developed composition tasks and the criteria for some task was established. Perforniance tasks were activities that student engaged in, in order to demonstrate what they know and can do. Performance criteria in a list were to be used judge the quality of a product or performance from a task. Performance tasks in this research were `improvising music, using with learned musical concept`, `changing the verse`, `rhythm and melody question and answer`, `ABA form`, `rondo`, `theme and variation`. The composition portfolio was included the following materials: 1) planing for composing music by individuals or small groups based on the reflective thinking. 2) writing compositions down with icons, traditional notation, or the child own devised notation. 3) the assessment criteria for the composition and the performance of compositions created by individuals or small groups, making student de챠sions regarding rhythm melody, form and musical expression. 4) the response form or journal : written responses to events in music class demonstrated by an individual or group. Based on the analysis of the study, the conclusions were as follows : 1) Thorough composing music, the students encouraged self-expression and bolster self-esteem. 2) Thorough composing music, the students became more intimate and actively involved with the raw materials of creative work and as a result, they began to widerstand how the musical elements interact and interrelate. 3) Through composing the student`s own piece, they understood the ways of music elements contribute to the form and the musical expression. 4) As the students created their own compositions and perform them, they experienced the roles of conductor, composer, and performer as a professional musician. 5) The students became aware of the need to notate the musical sounds so that the sounds could be remembered and be played by others. 6) Through the composition portfolio, the student`s ability of composing and performing music was progressed gradually. 7) The students reaction to the portfolio were generally favorable. and writing self-assessment led them to think about their learning in new and deep way. 8) The students strived toward intrinsic goals of excellence instead of being primarily interest in better grades. 9) The st


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