
The Analyze of the Participant`s Composition in developing the 7th National Music Curriculum

Jong Mo Yang
page. 75~93 / 2005 Vol.29 No.0
e-ISSN 2713-3788
p-ISSN 1229-4179


The purpose of this study is to seek for the theory about the participant in the developing national music curriculum.The content of research is1. to categorize the general theory about the participant in the developing curriculum; and2. to analyze the participant in developing the 7th music curriculum.The research method is to analyze the report when it was made in developing the 7th national music curriculum.The result of study is as followings.1. The majority of the researchers in developing the 7th national music curriculum are the professors and music education majors.2. The majority of the research objects in developing the 7th national music curriculum are the professors and music education majors.3. There is a few practical research about the context of schools and students in the references.

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