
Korean Traditional Music Education: The problems and the tasks

Doug Won Kwon
page. 1~29 / 2006 Vol.30 No.0
e-ISSN 2713-3788
p-ISSN 1229-4179


Korean traditional music education has seen significant development, especially since the 1990s. Traditional music accounts for a third of the music textbook contents. However, many problems still remain in several areas: teacher training program, music curriculum, music textbook, instrument and equipment, and financial support for research and development.The purpose of this study is to investigate the practical problems of Korean traditional music education and to provide reasonal ways to solve the problems.Teachers ' colleges need to increase courses on Korean traditional music, and improve the qualities of these courses. Teachers need to have enough opportunities for teachers training program on traditional music, and to participate in various contents of the program based on their own interests. Teachers want to have more qualified pieces and ensemble pieces for the advancement of their teaching.Schools have to provide a dedicated classroom for traditional music education in order to enable teachers to raise classwork to a higher standard. Teachers need to organize children's songs and to use these effectively in their music teaching. The government and each regional institution should give financial support for research and development to improve teaching methods and materials.Comprehensive policies should be formulated and applied to the base of systematic approach in order to develop Korean traditional music education in the future. If professors, teachers, and supervisors make efforts to do their own roles, Korean traditional music education will become more and more advanced.

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