
Reflect on Self-Regulated Learning Factors in Instrumental Music Learning and It`s Meaning for Music Instruction

Jin Won Chung
page. 127~158 / 2007 Vol.32 No.0
e-ISSN 2713-3788
p-ISSN 1229-4179


Studies on practice of musical instruments insist that students needdiverse strategies for dealing with the cognitive, technical and emotional aspects of learning to achieve higher levels of performance expertise (Enicson, 1995; Hallam, 1997; Harnishmacher, 1997). Effective practice, as seen from this perspective, is a process that not only involves cognitive skills but also req떠res the student to consider a broad range of strategies for dealing with whatever problems may arise. Given this study's belief that instrumental practice is a multi 一faceted learning process that involves diverse aspects of the learner, Self- Regulated Learning theory as a structural learning model (Zimmerman, 1994) holds out the possibility of integrating factors that affect each learners ability to control his/her particular learning process.The purpose of this study is to examine 'Self-Regulated Learning(SRL)theory as a facet to understand more detailed factors of instrumentallearning and its implications based upon two of prior study (Chung, 2004 & 2006). SRL used to be studied from two perspectives, SRL as alearning trait as well as on going problem-solving event. By examining these two studies it was reasonable to say that some aspects of learning achievement meaningfully related to learners SRL trait. Especially the different patterns of SRL in ongoing problem solving exhibit howstudents approach to the given tasks so that teacher may give moreeffective instruction for development.

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