
The Development of a Recorder Ensemble Program Based on Arts PROPEL

Jong Hyun Hong
page. 235~262 / 2007 Vol.32 No.0
e-ISSN 2713-3788
p-ISSN 1229-4179


The purpose of this study was to develop an recorder ensembleprogram for elementary school instrumental groups based on theperformance domain of the Arts PROPLE. In the first phase, the national curriculum were analyzed and learning contents were identified.In the second phase, teaching-learning materials and evaluationstrategies (portfolios) were developed according to the process used inArts PROPEL. Main emphasis of the recorder instructional program were on the improvement of performance and expressive abilities, thedevelopment of musical cognition, and the positive changes in attitudetoward music.Finally, this study showed that production, cognition, and reflectioncould be effectively integrated in the instrumental program.

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