
Effects of Music Appreciation Activity through Body Movement on Young Children`s Musical Aptitude and Creativity

Mi Young Kim,Kyung Sook Kim
page. 111~137 / 2007 Vol.33 No.0
e-ISSN 2713-3788
p-ISSN 1229-4179


This study investigated effects of music appreciation activity through body movement on young children's musical aptitude and creativity. Subjects of this study were five-year old 40 children attending Y kindergarten in Gwangju metropolitan city (20 for experimental group and 20 for control group). As research tool for measuring young children's musical aptitude (sense of tune and rhythm), PMMA developed by Gordon in 1979 and adapted and revised by Lee Helen(2004) was used. MCSM developed by Wang (1985) and adapted and recomposed by Huh Sun-Hee(1996) was used as the tool for measuring young children's musical creativity. Results of analysis are as follows.: First, young children's musical aptitude ability in experimental group was statistically and significantly higher than one of control group. The experimental group obtained higher scores in sub-factors(sense of tune and rhythm) of young children's music aptitude ability than control group. Second, young children's musical creativity in experimental group was statistically and significantly higher than one of control group. The experimental group obtained higher scores in sub-factors(musical fluency, musical imagination and musical originality) of young children's musical creativity than control group.

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