
A Study of Verbal Instruction in Singing

Sun Mie Kim
page. 139~157 / 2007 Vol.33 No.0
e-ISSN 2713-3788
p-ISSN 1229-4179


The purpose of this study is to examine the patterns and categories of verbal instruction of teachers in voice lessons. This study is composed of observations and data collection from twelve voice lessons of the three teachers and students in college. Through the analysis of the contents of the lessons and the conversations between the teachers and students in on and on setting of voice lesson, several patterns of verbal instruction are found to which can be effective strategies in teaching and learning singing. The finding patterns of verbal instruction in singing are: direct instruction, questioning, suggesting, and approve and disapprove. Besides of these patterns of verbal instruction, the researcher suggests effective teachers' verbal instruction in singing based on the results of the study: establishing comfortable and trusting environment, critical and cognitive approaches and using metaphors in teaching singing. This study will be helpful for voice teachers to develop their instructional skills in the voice studio and class.

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