
The Expression of Singing as Aesthetic Experience of the Lyrics

Gi Su Kim
page. 1~23 / 2008 Vol.34 No.0
e-ISSN 2713-3788
p-ISSN 1229-4179


Allowing for the direction of the singing activity in school, music class should be weighted more an emotion and feeling than on concepts and understanding of music, the expression of singing which is based on the aesthetic experience on the lyrics will not only enable students understand the formational principle of music but also present new program for musical expression of the piece in music class. As the lyrics are painting of the emotion of human and the appearance of nature, or reflecting the empathy and the appearance of ordinary life, they make musical expression and aesthetic experience into more clearness. Therefore the aesthetic experience on the lyrics helps not only the enhancement of the ability to express singing by oneself but also the extension of their aesthetic experience and musical growth.

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