
Considerations on Body Movements in Elementary Music Education

Mi Young Choi
page. 177~202 / 2008 Vol.35 No.0
e-ISSN 2713-3788
p-ISSN 1229-4179


A man has a tendency to express his/her feeling to music with body. This is the human nature, and based on which, it is very basic and important for students to learn and respond music by body movement. Also, movement in music classroom is very effective in arousing students' interests, participating in music actively, improving their musical understanding, and developing their musicality.Today, however. without changes in quality compared with old music teaching methods, students still involve sitting, looking at the board, working on musical skills and concepts. The students would diligently sing and play after teacher’s demonstration, and read and write music notation ore troublesome is that many teachers do not experience the enjoyable activities that accompanied movement for themselves in music classroom and do not have many ideas to create a deeper musical understanding for their students through movement.The purpose of this study is to suggest teaching ideas on body movement that teachers can put into practice in elementary music classroom. In order to accomplish this purpose, the study selects resources using yearly teaching plans in the teacher’s edition of elementary school music for the 3rd to 6th grade’s use. Then, the study provides suggestions that teachers can teach effectively music through movement applying Dalcroze’s eurythmics.This study will be helpful for teachers to develop various teaching methods of body movement and encourage to apply them in their music lessons with confidence. UItimately, it is hoped that students will foster musical understanding effectively through movement.

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