
The Study of the Undergraduate Music Appreciation Course through the Integrated Approach

Ji Hyang Oh,Sun Mie Kim
page. 167~203 / 2009 Vol.36 No.0
e-ISSN 2713-3788
p-ISSN 1229-4179


The purpose of this study is to provide the curriculum of Music Appreciation Course to undergraduate students who need to explore and learn music as a general artistic education. This curriculum is focused on integrated approaches especially linked with cultural and artistic aspects that is composed with various musical subjects and activities. This study suggests integrated approach and contextual teaching and learning strategies that can help student to construct their musical knowledges through their voluntarily participation. Based on this concept, this study develops four sessions of curriculums for this course, in terms of 1) Sonata form that develops musical then1es 2) Music and Literature 3) Music and Drama 4) Music tl1at completes Film. which include various musical experiences, integration of artistic and cultural activities and contextual learning activities connected to students' real life experience.

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