
An Analysis of Piano Sight-Reading Textbooks

Ye Won Yoon
page. 205~233 / 2009 Vol.36 No.0
e-ISSN 2713-3788
p-ISSN 1229-4179


Sight-reading is an ability to play music with glancing at new scores. The objective of this paper is to give a guide to teaching of the sight-reading by analyzing the existing sight-reading text books. Sight-reading is an ability to play music with glancing at new scores. This paper introduces the sight-reading text books i.e., Alfred, Amadeus Class and Piano Time, and analyzes them based on the theories proposed by precedent researchers. The results of the analysis show that Alfred emphasizes the exercises to understand the patterns of musical interval, harmony and rhythm, and finger exercises to develop the sense on a keyboard. Especially, it emphasizes importance of ‘shape-reading’, or skill of reading notes by unit and visual. On the other hands, Amadeus Class places emphasis on the patterns of accompaniment and transposition exercise for instrumental accompaniments and ensembles. Finally, Piano Time is constructed with much interested way compared to the other two text books. Piano Time includes memory-based practices, methods of gradual improvement in memory, and predictive practices in musical literature. In conclusion, it is expected to give and insight to teachers in selecting the sight-reading text books and teaching their students based on the proposed analysis results.

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