
The Correlation between Musical Aptitude and Subitems and Scales of Intelligent Quotient Test for 5-year old children

Sun Hee Yoon
page. 1~26 / 2010 Vol.39 No.0
e-ISSN 2713-3788
p-ISSN 1229-4179


In oder to know the relation between musical aptitude and intelligence quotient, specially IQ test subitems, for 5-year children this study was carried out. It was performed for 3 weeks from Nov. 9~27, 2009 with 15 boys and 21 girls of 5 years old class at the attached kindergarten of K university using Kids MAT for musical aptitude and Korean K-ABC for intelligence quotient test. It was shown some differences between musical aptitude and IQ test sub items and scales in age group above medium and below medium. The age group below medium was more affected by the logical thinking and the age group above medium was by the environmental conditions such as the family relation and acquired knowledges from TV, cartoons and books. Also, it was distinguishable differences between boys and girls. Instead of boys showed the poor correlation between musical aptitude and subitems of IQ test, girls showed higher correlation between musical aptitude and `triangle` item, and with other items, too. Generally, As 5 year old children showed close relation with musical aptitude and subitems of IQ test. 1% confidence level was certified between melody and some IQ test subitems such as `memory of figures`, `rearrangement of words` and `person and place`, also between rhythm and `memory of figures` and `person and place` too. The musical aptitude, sum of scores acquired from melody and rhythm test, showed 0.1% confidence level with `memory of figure` and `person and place`, and 1.0% confidence level with `rearrangement of words` and ‘the riddle`.

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