
An Analysis of Problems with Paper-Pencil Tests of Music Class in Elementary Schools

Yun Kyoung Choi
page. 101~128 / 2010 Vol.39 No.0
e-ISSN 2713-3788
p-ISSN 1229-4179


The purpose of this study is to analyze problems with paper-pencil tests of music class in elementary schools and propose its improvement. For this purpose, 281 paper-pencil test items were gathered in elementary schools and analyzed from three perspectives: first, analysis according to the types of musical behavior identified such problems as use of an assessment method not fit for musical behavior, absence of listening tests, and assessment of non musical behavior; secondly, analysis according to Gronlund`s Taxonomy of educational objectives identified such problems as too many items related to knowledge and appreciation tests with no listening tests involved; and finally, analysis according to the types of test items identified such problems as items containing clues for the correct answers, items asking two questions, items with wrong expressions, and items with errors of musical content. Through the analysis of problems and the consideration of NAEP music tests, the ways of improvement of paper-pencil tests of music class in elementary schools is proposed.

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