
Analysis of the operational state of the curriculum for musically gifted students

Mi Kyung Lee
page. 157~182 / 2010 Vol.39 No.0
e-ISSN 2713-3788
p-ISSN 1229-4179


The educational objectives of the curriculum for the musically gifted are to develop their own potential through the enrichment of subject matters. In addition, the curriculum should have objectives to develop the abilities and attitude of leading the stream of social change, and enhance responsibilities which can establish the social and ethical consciousness. In this study, the current operational state of curriculum of gifted educational institutes in music area is analysed in line with the general guideline for the gifted curriculum which is developed by KEDI(1999). The general guideline is composed with 6 criteria: the gifted education curriculum should include the enrichment programs for developing student`s expertise, the programs to enhance student`s social and ethical responsibiliy, the programs to foster student`s creativity, and it should be the student-centred curriculum to strengthen student`s autonomy and self-confidence, the process and activities-centered curruculum, and open curriculum with enough flexibility. The key findings of analysis are identified by follows: the lack of standards for program designed for gifted and talented students in music, the lack of flexible grouping of gifted learners for instruction and optional curriculum designed for the diverse individual needs of the gifted students, the lack of traditional teaching and learning methods dominated by teacher`s authority.

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