
A Study on Music Teaching Practice of Kindergarten Teachers

Ji Young Yoon,Seung Ryoul Lim
page. 113~141 / 2011 Vol.40 No.1
e-ISSN 2713-3788
p-ISSN 1229-4179


The purpose of this study was to examine how contents of music education are planned, executed, and assessed by conducting in-depth interviews with kindergarten teachers as well as to analyze specific teaching methods by observing kindergarten teachers` music teaching practice. The results showed that the kindergarten teachers perceived music education as ``singing a new song``, ``transition activity``, and ``tool for attention``. As for the practice of music teaching, kindergarten teachers mainly directed ``singing a new song`` during the group time. In addition to that, playing a musical instrument and body expression were also conducted as a related exercise of a new song while assessments of classes were not made in general. Kindergarten teacher mentioned some difficulties about the music education; They were tack of knowledge to music education. It self, little understanding in teaching methods, uneasy to practice of new teaching methods and little chances to participate in special music training courses for teachers. In conclusion, above findings can be used as a basis for developing effective music teaching methods for the early childhood education.

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