
The Effects of Theme-Centered and Integrated Korean Traditional Music Lessons on the Learning Motivation of Elementary School Students

Joo Man Park
page. 143~167 / 2011 Vol.40 No.1
e-ISSN 2713-3788
p-ISSN 1229-4179


This study is conducted to look into how Korean traditional music play activities based on the theme-centered and integrated approach affect on the learning motivation of elementary school students. The subjects of this study are 38 sixth graders(20 boys and 18 girls) in one class at G elementary school in S city. For data analysis, both quantitative analysis using the statistics program and qualitative analysis using students` portfolio and teachers` observation record were conducted. According to the findings, the theme-centered and integrated Korean traditional lesson using Korean traditional music plays showed a significant effect in attention and satisfaction, so it was found to have an effect on students` music learning motivation. In addition, the results of qualitative analysis showed activities through cooperation and collaboration between students and teachers made open and enquiring Korean traditional music lessons possible and helped improve the students` interest and participation in the class.

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