
The Educational Implication of the ``YE,AK`` Ideal in Shilla Dynasty on Modern Music Education

Seoung Il Ha
page. 275~303 / 2011 Vol.40 No.1
e-ISSN 2713-3788
p-ISSN 1229-4179


This study is focused on the analysis of problems, the searching for a model to ``YE·AK`` ideal in Shilla, and presentation of new direction in Korean music education. Korean music education has been in dangerous situation maintained in knowledge for the entrance examination, which has destroyed the main purpose of music education. Shilla dynasty was based on the principle of duty and humanity. The principle of duty and humanity was considered as life itself. Wharang, the organization of education for fit person was served as training school for fighter at war and for student, artist and mourner at peace. Especially the chief of Wharang, Fungwhalzu devoted his private desire and goal to the benefit of public. The contents of this education were swordsmanship, history, song and dance. In these contents song was the most important thing. Song and dance encourage human emotion to be good conditions and enforce the tie of communities. In this point of view Shilla dynasty promoted widely song and dance. Eungsungsue, a government office to promote song and dance was established. The person who can sing and dance well was esteemed by the society. Our music education should be re-recognized in the importance and improved in the entrance examination. Sufficient educational period for music must be guaranteed. In many curriculum including talent music educational course have to be essential. In addition music educational course should be changed from theoretical and functional to activities and enjoyable. Government and educational authorities must supply at administrative and financial supports in music education. The condition of advanced musical educational system should be venture marketed. The research of musical educational system in traditional culture must be inquired and applied to the present music education. Now the reform and normalization of Korean music education are the most important thing in Korean education.

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