
A Study of Teaching and Learning Method of Music Appreciation Based on Schenkerian Theory

Sung Ki Cho
page. 135~159 / 2011 Vol.40 No.2
e-ISSN 2713-3788
p-ISSN 1229-4179


Appreciation is the essential activities for understanding of music, that is the most fundamental in the entire area of musical activities. Teaching and learning of music appreciation can be divided into the activities of enjoying the beauty of music and experiencing aesthetic appreciation; the activities of analytically recognizing and understanding each component about the aesthetic content of music; and the activities of understanding and assessing the value and the beauty of music. Among these activities, this study aims to provide more effective leaning method with regard to the activities of analytically recognizing and understanding the musical components, and therefore investigated the teaching and learning method of music appreciation based on Schenkerian Theory. For this, Schenkerian theory, the content of music curriculum, and general teaching and learning method of music appreciation have been explored. Based on this consideration, with respect to ``appreciation music with an understanding of the characteristic elements of a piece of music``, ``appreciation music with recognition of its structural (formal) elements` and ``assessing of music and performance``, a teaching and learning method of music appreciation, based on Schenkerian theory, has been designed and this has been applied to the music of rondo form.

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