
A Study of a Teaching Plan applied with A Cappella for Chorus-course in the Elementary School

Sun I Cho
page. 251~274 / 2011 Vol.40 No.3
e-ISSN 2713-3788
p-ISSN 1229-4179


A chorus means that all choir members sing simultaneously together with polyphony, whereas a vocal music means that each of the members performs in his own part. A cappella is well known as group singing without instrumental sound. This study treats with a teaching plan for chorus-course of pupils in the elementary school. At this time we bring focus into a cappella as a guidance method of singing. This proposal method heads toward spontaneous participation of pupils to musical activity. It`s above all significant that each and all listen to his own voice and the others, concerning with harmony of chorus and give consideration reciprocally and are stimulated by degrees to confident life in this training of a musical ensemble. This study inquires, therefore, into the concept and educational values of a cappella, then tries to expose a teaching plan for singing with a cappella as a method. A cappella, like anticipated in that degree, will inspire us to a sentimental atmosphere which comes undoubtedly from our feeling, rhythm and interior.

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