
The Investigation on Multi-cultural Music Education using Korean Traditional Music in Childhood

Min Jung Kim
page. 323~348 / 2011 Vol.40 No.3
e-ISSN 2713-3788
p-ISSN 1229-4179


The purpose of study was to investigate multi-cultural music education using Korean traditional music in childhood. I executed on the model of multi-cultural music education using Korean traditional music for 30 four-year-old children at M elementary school`s kindergarten in Seoul for four weeks. This study applied the model of multi-cultural education that regulated the Baker`s multi-cultural education stages: first step exploration, second step connection, and third step integration. Consequently, children showed an extension of previous experience and knowledge, an interest in new language, and developed positive self conception and perspective taking. This study hopes to be utilized as a base study for future studies on multi-cultural music education using Korean traditional music in childhood.

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