
The Relationship Among the Musical Environment at Home, Parents` Musical Interest, Children`s Interest in Singing and Children`s Comprehension of the Songs

Young Ja Ko,Mm Jung Kim
page. 41~66 / 2012 Vol.41 No.2
e-ISSN 2713-3788
p-ISSN 1229-4179


This study was designed to examine the actual condition of musical environment of families by surveying 167 families with children aged from 3 to 5, of three kindergartens located in B city, Kyung-ki province, and to look into parents` musical interest, children`s interest in singing and comprehension of the songs, depending on the musical environment at home. 170 copies of the questionnaire, about musical environments at home, parent``s musical interest, children`s interest in singing and comprehension of the songs, were sent to each household, and 167 responses were analyzed. By utilizing SPSS 18.0 Window Statistics Program, the frequency analysis was used to examine the actual condition of musical environment at home, and x2 verification was used to examine musical environment at home, parent``s musical interest, children`s interest in singing and comprehension of the songs. As a result of the study, it was revealed that there is a meaningful relationship among the musical environment at home, parents` musical interest, children`s interest in singing, excluding children`s comprehension of the songs. The higher the level of musical environment at home, parents` musical interest and children`s interest in singing tended to be higher. It is expected that this study could be used as the preliminary resource for understanding of musical backgrounds of families.

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