
The Effect of Multi-Cultural Education Through Music Appreciation Activities on Emotional Intelligence Improvement

Eun Young Bang
page. 181~204 / 2012 Vol.41 No.3
e-ISSN 2713-3788
p-ISSN 1229-4179


The purpose of this study is to know the effect of multi-cultural education using appreciation of music on emotional intelligence improvement. The object of study is two groups consistedof 50 young childrens five years old in D kindergarten locatedin Dongzak Seoul. One of the two group is chosen as experimental group (25 young children) the other as control group. Young children in the experimental group have been taught multi-cultural education through appreciation activities young children in the control group have been taught former education without special measures. After twelve-week experiment measures the result says that the experimental group young children show more meaningful improvement than control group young children do in all four sub-elements of emotional intelligence; emotional recognition and expression thought acceleration by emotion using emotional knowledge and control factor of emotional reflection. Consequently multi cultural education through music appreciation has affirmative effect on young children` emotional intelligence development.

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