
A Study on the Concept of Character and Character Education in Music Education

Mi Sook Kim,Hae In Kwon
page. 41~69 / 2013 Vol.42 No.3
e-ISSN 2713-3788
p-ISSN 1229-4179


The purpose of this study is to reestablish character education in music education. For this purpose, the concept of “character” in historical and philosophical tradition of Western music was studied, and the principal of ideal character education was proposed. There is no clear definition of “character education” in music, but it has always been in the major purpose of music education. “Character” is expressed as “soul” “mind” “feeling” in philosophical points of view, and it was used with variety meaning in various area such as morals, religion, politics, and society. In music education, the principals of character education are self-understanding, self-expression, balance and harmony.

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