
The Influence of Music Experiences Based on Sound Exploration Activities on Music Aptitude and Propensity of Young Children in 2 Year-Old Classrooms

Youn Joung Park,En Ju Chang
page. 125~149 / 2013 Vol.42 No.3
e-ISSN 2713-3788
p-ISSN 1229-4179


This study was to examined the influence of music experiences based on sound exploration activities for young children in 2 year-old classrooms on music aptitude and propensity. The subjects of this study were 28 toddlers who enrolled in 2 year-old classrooms of child care center. In this study, the preliminary tests, pre-test, experimental treatment, post-test were carried out in order. This study used Gordon`s (1989) ‘Audie’ to test music aptitude and Hwang, In-Ju & Kim, En-joung`s (2010) ‘toddler musical propensity’ revised and supplemented to test music propensity. To analyze the collected data, average and standard deviation were calculated and t verification was conducted. The result of this study is as follows. Music experiences based on sound exploration activities had a positive effect on rhythm development of young children in 2 year-old classrooms. Also, it had a positive effect on music interest, music competence, music volition of music propensity.

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