
Tools for Instruction: The Reflections of Music Students with Visual Impairment

Mi Jung Kim,Hyu Yong Park
page. 151~182 / 2013 Vol.42 No.3
e-ISSN 2713-3788
p-ISSN 1229-4179


This paper discusses the four tools of instruction for musicians with VI (henceforth, Visual Impairment): auditory input and memorization, verbal instruction, haptic sense and technical devices. Based on the concepts of mediation, mastery and appropriation, this paper highlights the fact that the four tools work as mediational means in learning and practicing music. To investigate this theme, the authors conducted, as participation research, observation and interviews with 9 teachers and 7 students with VI at a specialized school for students with VI. By analyzing the interview data, this paper found that musicians with VI utilize various channels for communication, instead of visual input, as meditational means for communication. Meanwhile, musicians with VI also experience many difficulties in practicing and performing music in front of the audience. The discussion of this paper will expand our understanding on music training of those with VI and suggests for the development of various alternative approaches for helping musicians with VI.

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