
Multiple Mediated Effects of Emotional Intelligence and Social Skills in the Relation Between Musical Interest and School Adjustment of Middle School Students

Jung Eun Cho,Hyeon Sook Shin
page. 273~300 / 2013 Vol.42 No.3
e-ISSN 2713-3788
p-ISSN 1229-4179


This study was conducted to test the multiple mediated effects of emotional intelligence and social skills in the relation between middle school students` musical interest and school adjustment. Of 600 students participating in this study, data collected from 406 students (200 males, 206 females), whose responses were sincere, were analyzed. Structural equation modeling (SEM) analysis was conducted to test research hypotheses. The results are summarized as follows: First, musical interest directly affected school adjustment. Second, musical interest had a significant indirect effect on school adjustment by enhancing emotional intelligence and social skills. Third, emotional intelligence and social skills showed a multiple mediated effect in the relation between musical interest and school adjustment. That is, musical interest improved emotional intelligence, which in turn enhanced social skills, and finally the level of school adjustment increased. This study is significant in that it shows how the musical interests of middle school students affect emotional intelligence, which may improve social skills, which may in turn enhance school adjustment. The results also imply that the implementation of school-based musical interest enhancement programs may improve middle school students` emotional intelligence as well as social skills and that the programs eventually promote school adjustment.

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