
A Study on Solmization of a Music Educator S. Paluselli(1748∼1805)

Sun I Cho
page. 167~185 / 2013 Vol.42 No.4
e-ISSN 2713-3788
p-ISSN 1229-4179


This study took notice of unique teaching method of Paluselli as an Austrian music educator, who is not widely known in the western history of music. Solmization is applicated coherently and easily to music teaching for no less than thousand years and just as growing as many educators have developed it to this day. For example, from Guido A``drezzo`s Hexachord with order of “ut, re, mi, fa, sol, la”, which is the origin of syllable names, to Z. Kodaly`s Movable-do system. Paluselli, a responsible teacher of the Stams-institut for boys chorus in 1791 ∼1792, deliberated how to teach his pupils in order to understand and play various musics with interest rather than without difficulty. So he attached importance on two points: (1) development of solmisatio sine mutationibus sursum et deorsum, (2) simplicity of mutation with use of transposition of parallel hexachord. Eventually he developed a new solmization as music teaching method and invented analog teaching materials, for instance, Solmizations- and Mutationsfigures, the former included all musical tones, the diatonic and chromatic tones and the latter all mutational tones and accordingly Solmizations- and Mutationscompass. His creative idea and inventions are caused exactly by his self-conviction as teacher and devotion for his pupils, of what every teacher should remember even now.

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