
The study of educational competency according to German elementary school system and its correlation to music educational competency

Hee Ju Ham
page. 229~248 / 2014 Vol.43 No.1
e-ISSN 2713-3788
p-ISSN 1229-4179


This study examines educational competency in German elementary schools and its correlation to music educational competency. As the basic formal data in figuring out the educational competency of German elementary school, the contents of this research propose the related part of educational competency based on the investigation of the educational policy, the diversity and characteristics of a system, curriculum and educational competency in German elementary education. The formal data which is utilized in order to understand educational competency is presented with focus on the educational policy and educational curriculum settings of Bayern state and Berlin state in consideration of the German national educational features in which all the educational policies are put into practice diversely with priority given to state government. The part concerning music educational competency is presented with focus on the investigation of music educational competency reflected in the music education curriculum in Berlin/ Brandenburg state and Nordrhein-Westfalen state. The literature data on all the competency concepts, models, and so forth which are applied in this study is based on the prior study of G., Lehmann and W., Nieke.

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