
Needs for School Satisfaction on Music Major High School Students

Eun Mo Yeon,Jong Ho Shin,Hyo Sik Choi,Ye Eun Choi,Joo Yeon Lee
page. 163~185 / 2014 Vol.43 No.4
e-ISSN 2713-3788
p-ISSN 1229-4179


The purpose of this study was to explore music major students` needs for school satisfaction and their different attributions for school satisfaction regarding academic achievement. 298 music majored students at two different art highschool were asked to write for their needs to be satisfied at school, then frequency and Cochran`s Q test were used to analyze these questionnaires. The results showed that students` needs and attributions for school satisfaction can be categorized in three factors (1) individual (personal physical and psychological characteristics and academical self-concept), (2) school (social relationships with teacher and peers, learning environments, and achievements (practical music, academic), and (3) family (SES including financial supports). Especially, students` perceived relationships with peers and both music practical and academic achievement were identified as most important perceived needs for school satisfaction. In addition, high achieving students were more likely to demand social relationships with teacher and peers and both music practical and academic achievement to be satisfied at school. Results suggest that to have positive social relationships and to demonstrate own ability are significant determinant of school satisfaction. Theoretical and practical implications of these findings in terms of the basic needs for developing an excellence program for the music majored students are discussed in detail.

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