
The Influence of Music and Cultural Activity, Relationship With Friends and Teachers and Sense of Self-Efficiency on Juvenile Students`` Interest and Achievement in Music Courses

Su Jeong Han,Kyung Hoon Han
page. 211~238 / 2014 Vol.43 No.4
e-ISSN 2713-3788
p-ISSN 1229-4179


This study explores the influence of music and cultural activity, relationship with friends and teachers and sense of self-efficiency on the degree of juvenile students`` interest and achievement in music courses. The study was performed on 1,995 middle school senior students from the primary source of research data of Korean Education and Employment Panel(KEEP). Correlation analysis and structure equation modeling analysis were applied on the collected data in order to understand the relationship between each variables. As a result of analysis, students`` music and cultural activity had a significant effect on their relationship with friends and teachers, and relationship with friends and teachers and sense of self-efficiency were important intermediary causes that affect their interest and achievement in music courses. These results suggest the necessity of positive change and improved quality of cultural life through a well-rounded and experiential music and cultural education. It also indicates that a good relationship with friends and the influence of teachers`` function and role play an important factor in the attainment of students`` sense of self-efficiency and a successful normalization of music education. On this, it is necessary to excavate musical culture resources for the regional communities, build a comprehensive social support network among family, school and regional community and implement practical music education for juveniles of the modern society in order to strengthen the ability of musical culture at the national level.

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