
Construction of music teacher Professionalism Scale and Analysis of the Recognition Level

In Hye Hong
page. 239~267 / 2014 Vol.43 No.4
e-ISSN 2713-3788
p-ISSN 1229-4179


The purpose of this study is to develop music teacher professionalism scale and analysis of the recognition level in secondary general music teachers. In the process, music teacher professionalism preliminary scale was constructed based on the previous studies, and it was administered to 397 secondary music teachers. After data analyzing, a total of 31 items with 6 sub-constructs in the 4 areas was identified by the means of the exploratory factor analyses, thus clearly establishing the construct validity. The overall internal consistency was quite high(Cronbach``s alpha=.955). The overall recognition level of music teacher professionalism was not significant according to the variables of gender, teaching career, education level, and school size; however the overall recognition level of music teacher professionalism was significant according to the variables of school level, music education-related experiences such as being a member of teacher``s communities or academic societies, being a university lecturer or a teacher trainer, and award winning career.

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