
Effects of Instrumental Ensemble Program Applied of Cognitive Apprenticeship Theory

Yun Jeong Kim
page. 25~50 / 2015 Vol.44 No.1
e-ISSN 2713-3788
p-ISSN 1229-4179


The purpose of this study is to develop and apply an instrumental ensemble program applied of cognitive apprenticeship theory and to investigate effects of the ensemble program. The researcher of this study considered theoretical background with which cognitive apprenticeship theory to be applied to music class, analyzed music curriculum and contents of instrumental ensemble for the 5th graders of elementary school, and developed an instrumental ensemble program applied of cognitive apprenticeship theory. The subjects of this study (n=29) were the 5th graders of S elementary school located in Seongnam-si, Gyeonggi-do, and an instrumental ensemble program consisting of 26 sessions was applied to the class between April 10 and June 28 of 2013. In order to identify the effects of the instrumental ensemble program developed by this study, the researcher conducted performance tests before and after the program, and analyzed the results of the tests, teacher``s journal, interview, performance videos, student portfolio, and self-reflection journal for inducing the results.

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