
An Analysis of Research Trends in Teacher Professional Development based on Communities of Practice for Music Teacher Education Study

Ji hae Shin
page. 69~89 / 2015 Vol.44 No.3
e-ISSN 2713-3788
p-ISSN 1229-4179


The purpose of this study was to analyze research in teacher professional development based on communities of practice and find out implications for music teacher communities of practice research studies. Main findings of this study were the following: First, the results of the subject analysis showed that the studies conducted in United States occupied 43.5% while various subject teachers were the most frequent subject topics covered (58.3%). Also, mixed communities with induction teachers and experienced teachers represented the highest portion of research participations (50%). Second, the most frequent research topic was the effects of communities of practice, which covered 24 studies (36.6%). Third, the analysis of research methods revealed that the number of studies using qualitative research methods were 37 among total 48 studies (77%). Recommendations for future studies about music teacher communities of practice were suggested.

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