
An Analysis on the Contents of edTPA K-12 Performing Arts

Eun A Choi
page. 181~201 / 2015 Vol.44 No.3
e-ISSN 2713-3788
p-ISSN 1229-4179


The purpose of this study is to review and analyze the contents of edTPA K-12 Performing Arts [edTPA-arts] developed for pre-service teacher performance assessment in America and to extract suggestions for pre-service teacher assessment in Korea. edTPA is a nationally available performance assessment for pre-service teachers, which has recently been developed and implemented in teacher education programs across America. Specifically, edTPA-arts was developed to measure pre-service teachers`` readiness to teach K-12 Performing Arts (music ·dance·theater). It is composed of three tasks: planning(planning for instruction and assessment), instruction(instructing and engaging students in learning), assessment(assessing student learning). Students learning is placed in the center of this three-step teaching cycle. Upon completion of the three tasks, pre-service teachers have to submit artifacts and commentaries. Artifacts include authentic works like video clips of their teaching, lesson plans, assessment materials, student sample works, etc. Commentaries are written to explain and reflect on their own teaching and student learning. From edTPA-arts, suggestions for pre-service teacher assessment in Korea can be extracted as follows: First, pre-service teacher assessment could be based on authentic works in the classroom for assessing what pre-service teachers actually do in authentic teaching situation. Second, it could focuse on student learning: pre-service teachers could demonstrate impacts on student learning as the results fo classroom process. Third, it could put emphasis on developing pre-service teachers`` reflective thinking as a basis for improving teaching professionalism.

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