
The Effects of Musical Element Exploration and Expression Activity through Two Music Appreciation on Young Children`s Musical Ability and Musical Aptitude

Eun Mi Yun
page. 195~219 / 2015 Vol.44 No.4
e-ISSN 2713-3788
p-ISSN 1229-4179


The purpose of this study is to explore the effects of musical element exploration and expression activity through two music appreciation on the development of young children``s musical ability and musical aptitude. The subjects were 50 five-year-old kindergartners. The subjects were divided into an experimental group and a comparison group. The experimental group were given the musical element exploration and expression activity through music appreciation based to two music that musical feeling is different. The comparison group were given the music appreciation based to one music. The program was carried out for 9 weeks. A musical ability test and a musical aptitude test were applied to both groups before and after the experiment to find out the effect of musical element exploration and expression activity through two music appreciation. The data was analyzed by t-test with SPSS 11.0 WIN program. The result of this study shows that the experimental group has higher statistical significance in scores of musical ability and musical aptitude than those of comparative group.

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