
An investigation of preservice elementary teachers` concerns on teaching music using Fuller and Bown`s teacher concerns model

Mi Young Choi
page. 275~292 / 2016 Vol.45 No.2
e-ISSN 2713-3788
p-ISSN 1229-4179


The purpose of this study was to examine the concerns of preservice elementary teachers on teaching music using the Fuller and Bown’s teacher concerns model. Participants were 15 senior undergraduates who specialized in music education at a national university of education in Korea. Data sources included teaching DVDs, accompanying lesson plans, self-evaluations of teaching, and unstructured interviews. For the interview, a video-assisted, stimulated recall method was used after peer teaching and field teaching episodes. Self-evaluations and the verbatim transcripts of the interviews were coded according to Fuller and Bown’s concerns categories (self-survival, task, and student-impact). The results of the analysis indicated that task concerns were the most frequently reported, followed by self concerns and student-impact concerns. Task concerns and student-impact concerns increased from peer teaching to field teaching, whereas self concerns decreased from peer teaching to field teaching.

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