
A study on Child Music Education Program in Seoul based on CIPP Evaluation Model

Jeong-seop Han,Hyo-soon Yang,Seul-gi Kang,Ha-yeon Song
page. 179~198 / 2017 Vol.46 No.2
e-ISSN 2713-3788
p-ISSN 1229-4179


This study attempted to find specific ways to improve by researching the level Of satisfaction for each evaluation model, using supplier(those who provide)and demander(those who are in need)of the music program for children in Seoul called Our Town Arts School based on the CIPP evaluation model. As a result, we have found that the indirect supplier and demander, parents and administrative personnels, has a higher level of satisfaction than the direction supplier and demander, students and art instructors, in comparison. This finding can be interpreted that we are in need of instructional system design and shifting its focus to students. Therefore, it is important that we find an instructional system design that actively reflect what students need It is also important that we develop a music education program that primarily focuses on cultivating self-directed learning ability, character and creativity. Second, we need a follow-up system that continuously researches business management skills and instructional system design (or teaching methods) so that we can maintain management consistency as well as establish long-term development strategies.

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