
The Mediating Effects of Career Decision-Making Self Efficacy in the Relation Between Major Satisfaction and Career Preparation Behavior Among College Students Majoring in Music

Goeun Baek,Jeeye Lee
page. 21~45 / 2017 Vol.46 No.4
e-ISSN 2713-3788
p-ISSN 1229-4179


The purpose of this study is to identify the mediating effect of career decision-making self efficacy in the relation between major satisfaction and career preparation behavior among college students majoring in music. For this purpose, 218 college students who are majoring in Western music and Korean music in Korea were surveyed for about two weeks from July 24 to August 6, 2017. First, there was no significant difference among the sex, major, and high school group. The career decision-making self efficacy was significantly high in college freshmen. Second, Pearson s correlational analysis showed that there were significant positive correlations between major satisfaction and career decision-making self efficacy, between major satisfaction and career preparation behavior, and between career decision-making self efficacy and career preparation behavior. Third, by conducting the multiple regression analysis (Baron and Kenny(1986), it confirmed career decision-making self efficacy as a mediator between major satisfaction and career preparation behavior. Therefore, the higher the career decision-making self efficacy, the higher career preparation behavior of those with high major satisfaction.

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