
Pre-Service Music Teachers’ Self-Assessment of Teaching Ability Using Text Network Analysis

Ji-hyang Oh,Hae-kyung Shin
page. 47~75 / 2017 Vol.46 No.4
e-ISSN 2713-3788
p-ISSN 1229-4179


This study investigates the pre-service music teachers’ perception of teaching ability through self-assessment. Using text network analysis, 63 reflective self-assessment forms written by pre-service music teachers were analyzed along with categories of three types of frequencies, two types of centralities, and the group component. The results of the study were as follows. First, all nodes were linked each other into one network. The sub-communities were formed around core keywords such as “instruction,” “learner,” “plan,” “confidence” that had high scores in frequencies and centralities. These keywords and their links represented how the pre-service teachers perceived their own teaching ability. Second, the pre-service teachers considered their teaching ability as leaner-centered behaviors rather than isolated teaching activities. Third, the pre-service teachers’ perspectives about their teaching ability were structured on the basis of factors related to instruction. Fourth, the affective domain should be considered as acore aspect for teaching ability. Thus, using the text network analysis in practical way to self-assess to teaching ability, affective aspects such as emotions, opinions, and attitudes were need to be analyzed. This study is meaningful as it extracts central issues and concepts from pre-service teachers’ self-assessment regarding teaching ability and analyzes semantic relations.

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