
A Study on Teaching Method of Children’s Song for Development of Elementary School Students’ Character and Morality

Gwan-Ki Yun
page. 107~128 / 2018 Vol.47 No.4
e-ISSN 2713-3788
p-ISSN 1229-4179
Received 2018-08-31
Revised 2018-10-05
Accepted 2018-10-29


The purpose of this study is to provide a guidance plan for elementary school students to utilize creative motions to improve their character and morality. Music has been proved as a tool to induce emotional behavior change as well as emotional development, and musical lyrics as well as musical forms are also involved in the development of morality in the community. As a part of that, children s awareness using the children’s song has been consistently done. Among them, children’s song has been widely sung with many intentions along with its development. Above all, it is called Enlightenment Song because it contains educational value, and it is aimed at forming the character of children because it contains moral or ethical contents to teach in our society. Understanding the value of this children’s song and understanding the meaning of the lyrics, and applying the integrated teaching and learning model in the music lesson, will lead to the development of children s character and morality.

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